Friday, January 29, 2021

Beating the Winter Blues

Hello Friends!

Well the weather was crisp this week, making it a challenge to enjoy being outdoors! However, our family braved the elements every day this week for a quick and brisk winter walk. 

Studies show there is a benefit to getting outdoors even when its cold. As long as you are bundled up with appropriate layering, getting outside in the cold is a great way to use some extra energy to stay warm while those muscles move and you get your heart pumping. 

Today I would like to share an article from ACTIVE FOR LIFE that discusses the benefits of outdoor play during the colder winter months! Here are some of my family favorites: 

1) Winter Star Gazing

2) Summer Fun in the Snow

3) Blow Ice Bubbles

4) Frozen Freeze Tag

5) Snowy Hike

To read the full article for more great ideas to be active during winter, please visit the link below:

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Friday, January 22, 2021

Keep that body moving!


Good Day Friends!

The weather has been fabulous this month, which helps make it easier to stay active and get some fresh air every day! There is so much research supporting the importance of getting fresh air every day and moving our bodies for at least 60 minutes daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

At the beginning of January I shared a DEAM calendar (Drop Everything And Move) from OPEN PE with all the students in their Google Classroom to encourage them to complete at least one movement activity daily throughout the month of January! Today I would like to post it and encourage you and your family to continue to strive for daily physical activity! 

Please check the link below for the January DEAM Calendar and get your heart pumping and muscles moving! Keep your body strong and your mind clear with these daily activity challenges! You got this! Enjoy!

Stay Active! Stay Positive! Stay Strong!

Sherri Anwender

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Fun Games to Play In The Snow

Well another great week for winter weather in Calgary! We have been so blessed with this mild winter weather and all the snow that goes with it! 

Today I would like to share a great article from Active for Life that shares several great games you and your family can try on the weekend to keep you active in the snow!

Some of my favorites included:

1) Buried snow treasure

2) Winter scavenger hunt

3) Snow maze

4) Snowball target practice

5) Snow slide

Check out the article for more great ideas to get outside and play in the snow using the link below!

Stay Strong! Stay Active! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Friday, January 8, 2021

Happy New Year!

 Happy New Year Everyone!

Let's commit to living a healthier and more active lifestyle in 2021! Our family has set the goal to be active 30 minutes everyday as a family. So far we have enjoyed playing "Just Dance" together and going for a daily walk with our pets. What will your family's active lifestyle include?

This week I would like to motivate your family to move with the BOKS Canada Activity Calendar! I have included this monthly on the blog because it has such great ideas to keep you active without a lot of effort or equipment required. 

As we move through January I would like to encourage your family to once again visit the BOKS Canada website to sign up for the monthly fitness calendar with daily activities for you and your family to stay active! BOKS Canada also has a face book page and you tube channel for interactive videos to keep your family moving!

When you sign up for the BOKS January Fitness Calendar you will find:

  • Daily movement bursts to get your heart pumping and muscles moving
  • Weekly challenges (Bring the outdoors in, No boredom with board games, You've got to move it, Outside the BOKS)
  • Mindful Friday Activities
  • NEWLY ADDED: Are you Game?

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender

BOKS Summer Fun Pack

  Today's resource is from BOKS Canada: I have mentioned this resource several times as it has so...