Friday, January 22, 2021

Keep that body moving!


Good Day Friends!

The weather has been fabulous this month, which helps make it easier to stay active and get some fresh air every day! There is so much research supporting the importance of getting fresh air every day and moving our bodies for at least 60 minutes daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

At the beginning of January I shared a DEAM calendar (Drop Everything And Move) from OPEN PE with all the students in their Google Classroom to encourage them to complete at least one movement activity daily throughout the month of January! Today I would like to post it and encourage you and your family to continue to strive for daily physical activity! 

Please check the link below for the January DEAM Calendar and get your heart pumping and muscles moving! Keep your body strong and your mind clear with these daily activity challenges! You got this! Enjoy!

Stay Active! Stay Positive! Stay Strong!

Sherri Anwender

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