Friday, February 19, 2021

Just Dance


Hello Friends!

Wow! I can't believe it's the middle of February already and we survived the Polar Vortex! Thankfully we are back to some great winter weather and some sunshine! 

This month all students have been working on developing our dance skills. We enjoyed warming up our muscles and getting our hearts pumping with a game of dance tag. Some of the favorite dance moves to get back into the game included: disco, wash it, shopping cart, sprinkler and the floss. 

We also worked on learning the elements of dance, which include:

1) Body: locomotor movements of hop, jump, skip, shuffle and using different body parts while dancing

2) Rhythm: identifying the timing of the music and matching our dance moves to the rhythm

3) Space: dancing at low, medium and high levels, using different pathways when we dance and changing directions

4) Relationships: maintaining 2 m social distance, connecting to music and dancing in personal and general space

5) Energy: participating with an open mind, cooperating and developing individual style based on our personality and comfort

We also talked about the benefits of listening to music and moving and dancing to our favorite music. There is so much research supporting the benefits of music and movement. It's amazing how great it feels to move and groove to music that you connect with! 

Today I'd like to share an article written by Meghan from Learning Resources called "Top 6 Reasons to Have A Daily Family Dance Party". See link below for Meghan's suggestions to get your family moving and grooving as well as some interesting benefits for your whole family to stay strong and healthy through dancing.

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender

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