Sunday, November 29, 2020

December Fitness Challenge


Happy Holidays Everyone!

Wow! Where did November go? And what is with this AMAZING weather? Fingers crossed it sticks around for the remainder of the year! Such a great opportunity to get outside and breath in some fresh air and move your body! 

Also, a fabulous opportunity to continue our PE program outside! Reminder to have your children to dress for the winter elements: toques, mittens, boots, ski pants and a warm coat! When the students dress for the weather they have so much fun!

As we move through December I would like to encourage your family to once again visit the BOKS Canada website to sign up for the monthly fitness calendar with daily activities for you and your family to stay active! BOKS Canada also has a face book page and you tube channel for interactive videos to keep your family moving!

When you sign up for the BOKS December Fitness Calendar you will find:

  • Daily movement bursts to get your heart pumping and muscles moving
  • Weekly challenges (Embrace the Season, Celebrate Nature & Try a new outdoor sport)
  • Mindful Friday Activities
  • NEWLY ADDED: Winter Fun Pack

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender

Monday, November 23, 2020

Division 1 Using their FUNdamental Movement Skills


Good Day Everyone!

Another great week with weather but a short school week! Our division 1 students continue to work on their fundamental movement skills with playing various games on the field in the snow! 

It is so important for children to master their basic movement skills in order to develop their confidence to try new activities as they grow, but also to feel successful in their ability to participate in a wide variety of sports or movement activities! 

The Active for Life website has so many wonderful games that children can play at home to further practice these basic skills. 

Attached is the link for several games that your family can play at home with basic materials around the house to practice the following skills: agility, balance, catch, dribble, gallop, hop, jump, kick, run, skip, strike, throw and volley.

Family Fundamental Games

Stay Active! Stay Safe! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Friday, November 13, 2020

Racket Fun in Division 2

Good Day Friends!

I continue to be amazed with the weather cooperating for PE outside! The students seem to be enjoying the challenge of warming up our hearts and muscles with active tag games as well as learning the fun sports that use rackets: Table Tennis, Badminton, Tennis and Pickle Ball! Of course we are adding the dimension of snow to these sports, which seems to be a fun challenge for all of us! 

This week I would like to share some easy racket games that you can play at home with your family in order to stay active! 

If the weather doesn't permit you to go outside, using a balloon and homemade paper plate paddle provides a fun and inexpensive challenge for the whole family!

If the weather is permitting and you have rackets, please feel free to try the following games. Courtesy of Bayview Village Tennis Camp out of Ontario.

1) Partner Ball Toss

2) Hungry Crocodile

3) Count Dracula

4) Squash Ball

5) Target Practice

6) Dribblers

7) Hit and Catch

8) Tidy/Messy

9) Ball Bounce

10)Simon Says

** For detailed instructions visit the link below:

Racket Games for Kids

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender

Friday, November 6, 2020

These boots are made for walking...

Good Day Friends!

Well what a beautiful start to the month of November with this AMAZING weather! As we move into the winter months it is more important than ever to continue to stay active and get fresh air. 

Having the freedom to explore, run and play is so important for the healthy development of children. That's why a nature walk is an excellent way to spend time together as a family. As well, physical activity and fresh air are great ways to aid in your mental health wellbeing! 

Today I would like to share an article from Active for Life that provides several family friendly games to play on a trail walk or nature hike...

1) Giddy Up

2) Follow the Leader

3) Nature Scavenger Hunt

4) Geocaching

5) I Spy

6) Pick up Sticks

7) Hide and Go Seek: Trail Addition

** Please see the detailed article link below for how to play these games!

Here are a list of great parks in Calgary to explore ...

1) Bowmont Park NW
2) Nose Hill Park NW
3) Griffith Woods Park SW
4) Carburn Park SE
5) Tom Campbell/s Hill Natural Park NE
6) Fish Creek Provincial Park SW
7) Weaselhead Flats SW
8) Edworthy Park SW
9) Glenmore Park SW
10) Douglas Fir Trail 

Happy Walking!

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender

BOKS Summer Fun Pack

  Today's resource is from BOKS Canada: I have mentioned this resource several times as it has so...