Friday, September 18, 2020

Getting Our Daily D.O.S.E.

Good Day!  

This weekend marks the last weekend of summer before we move into the season of autumn on Tuesday, September 22! So let's get outside this weekend and enjoy it! 

I would like to share the importance and benefits of being active and getting outside for fresh air. As we move forward, I will share several ideas of how you and your family can stay healthy and active during this school year!

Today I would like to start with
"Getting your Daily D.O.S.E."

D - dopamine (builds motivation, improves memory, increases creativity)

O - oxytocin (develops trust, maintains optimism, promotes social skills)

S - serotonin (boosts mood, regulates sleep cycle, empowers good decisions)

E - endorphins (stress management, helps manage pain)

** Courtesy of

When we are physically active, our body releases chemicals that can have a positive impact on our health.

This weekend try to get outside for a walk and complete the "Autumn Scavenger Hunt" below:

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Kind Regards,
Sherri Anwender

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