Friday, September 25, 2020

Benefits of Daily Physical Activity



This weekend marks the first weekend of autumn! Fall is my favorite season! I love the colors of the leaves on all the trees, the crispness to the air and the sounds of the crunching of leaves under my feet as I enjoy a walk with my family! 

Research across the country recommends 60 minutes of vigorous physical activity everyday for optimal health benefits.

Some of the benefits of daily physical activity include:

** Courtesy: Pete Charrette 2016 

This weekend challenge your family to get outside together and try a couple of activities from the "Active Family Bucket List" below (courtesy of be fit for life):

Active Family Bucket List

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Getting Our Daily D.O.S.E.

Good Day!  

This weekend marks the last weekend of summer before we move into the season of autumn on Tuesday, September 22! So let's get outside this weekend and enjoy it! 

I would like to share the importance and benefits of being active and getting outside for fresh air. As we move forward, I will share several ideas of how you and your family can stay healthy and active during this school year!

Today I would like to start with
"Getting your Daily D.O.S.E."

D - dopamine (builds motivation, improves memory, increases creativity)

O - oxytocin (develops trust, maintains optimism, promotes social skills)

S - serotonin (boosts mood, regulates sleep cycle, empowers good decisions)

E - endorphins (stress management, helps manage pain)

** Courtesy of

When we are physically active, our body releases chemicals that can have a positive impact on our health.

This weekend try to get outside for a walk and complete the "Autumn Scavenger Hunt" below:

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Kind Regards,
Sherri Anwender

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Our School Physical Education Overview

Physical Education with Ms. Anwender

Our PE Program is focussed on developing physical literacy 
and a love of movement in our students in hopes
 they develop a life-long love of physical activity!

Canadian Sport for Life defines physical literacy as: 

"Children must learn to move with competence in a wide variety of physical activities that benefit the development of the whole person. Therefore, physical literacy is the development of fundamental movement skills and sport skills that permit a child to move confidently and with control in a wide variety of activities, dance and sport situations."

At our school the division 1 students (kindergarten thru grade 3) focus on fundamental movement skills and the division 2 students (grades 4 thru 6) focus on developing a wide variety of sport skills. Ultimately, we want to give the students an opportunity to experience as many sports as possible to develop that life-long passion for physical activity.

Division 1 Fundamental Movement Skills Include: 

Division 2 uses Fundamental Skills to develop Sports Skills:

Reflecting on the Alberta Curriculum the following outcomes are as follows:

1) General Outcomes of PE: Activity, Benefits Health, Cooperation & Do it Daily!

2) To meet the aim of the PE program and address all outcomes, the program is broken into 5 areas:

  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Alternate Environments 
    • water, snow/ice, outdoor pursuits, creative playground
  • Individual Activities 
    • circuit training, jump rope, track and field
  • Games
    • chasing and fleeing (tag games)
    • target games (bowling, golf, curling, croquet, bocce)
    • striking and fielding (kickball, soft ball, cricket)
    • net and wall games (tennis, badminton, volleyball)
    • territorial and invasion (football, soccer, basketball, lacrosse, hockey)

If you have any questions or concerns about our physical education program, please don't hesitate to contact me at the school.

** Check in weekly for new ideas and activities to keep you and your family active, healthy and strong! **

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!
Sherri Anwender

BOKS Summer Fun Pack

  Today's resource is from BOKS Canada: I have mentioned this resource several times as it has so...