Thursday, May 27, 2021

Using Games to Stay Active

Hello Friends!

It's so nice to be back at school learning and moving together face to face! As we wrap up May and move into June our Division 1 students are going to be learning a variety of games to put their sports skills into action. 

We will be learning the 5 basic types of games to reinforce the skills of throwing, catching, striking, kicking, dribbling, dodging, walking, running and several other sport related skills!

1) Tag Games: dodging skills

2) Net and Wall Games: throwing, catching, hand and eye coordination

3) Striking and Fielding Games: kicking, throwing, catching, running

4) Invasion and Territory Games: strategy, throwing, kicking, catching, running, dodging

5) Target Games: throwing for accuracy

Please visit the link below for games you and your family can play to further develop these skills while also staying active!

Stay Strong! Stay Positive! Stay Active!

Sherri Anwender

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Getting Outside to be Active


Good Morning Friends!

Hopefully you have been enjoying the great weather! Not too much of a surprise that we are having winter like conditions as we move into the long weekend! Seems to never fail that Calgary ends up with snow for the May Long! Hopefully you and your family can bundle up and brave the elements to enjoy some movement outside this long weekend! 

During online PE these last two weeks we have been discussing the importance of keeping our minds and bodies strong by being active. However, I have also been reminding students how important it is to get outside and move in the fresh air. 

Today I would like to share an article from Active for Life that provides 18 different ways to get your kids outside and enjoying being outside. Please see the article for some great ideas to be active with your family outside!

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Monday, May 17, 2021



Good Morning Friends!

What a great week to be outside and enjoying the sunshine!

Today I would like to share the MAY BOKS Calendar with you! This month the calendar focuses on being "mindful"! The four themes of this months calendar include breathing exercises, connecting with nature, expressing gratitude of course several different movement activities to get your heart pumping and muscles moving! 

Please use the link below to register with BOKS and have weekly emails sent to you to keep your family strong and active!

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

May Fitness Challenge


Good Morning Everyone!

Hope you are enjoying spring and nicer weather! It's so much easier to get outside and move when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!

Keep your family active with the May DEAM (Drop Everything And Move) Calendar!

Stay Strong! Stay Positive! Stay Active!

Sherri Anwender

BOKS Summer Fun Pack

  Today's resource is from BOKS Canada: I have mentioned this resource several times as it has so...