Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Spring Has Sprung!


Good Morning Friends!

Well spring is here, even if the weather isn't cooperating! At least the sunshine is out and feels so warm! This week I would once again like to remind everyone of the benefits of moving for 60 minutes a day! There are so many benefits to being active everyday, such as:

- Exercise gives us energy.

- Fitness pumps up your heart.

- Exercise boosts brainpower.

- Being active helps us sleep better.

- Exercise helps us to relax.

- Muscles and bones get stronger when we move actively for extended periods of time.

- Movement melts away stress.

- Fitness can build relationships.

- Exercise helps ward off disease. 

- Being active makes you feel fit, healthy and awesome.

With the nicer weather and spring break starting Friday, take the opportunity to get outside and be active with your family with some of these great ideas:

1) Go for a bike ride.

2) Try a new sport.

3) Practice jump rope or hopscotch.

4) Go for a walk with your family.

5) Experience nature with a scavenger hunt or a hike.

6) Ride your scooter, inline skates or skateboard.

7) Explore a new playground.

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Basketball Fun in Division 2

Hello Everyone!

Well I think spring teased us last week and we have ended up back to snow and winter weather! Thankfully the sun is shining and the snow isn't sticking around! Please take the opportunity to enjoy all the vitamin D the sunshine has to offer and get outside to move your body!

This month the division 2 students have been working on their basketball skills. These skills include: ball handling, dribbling, passing, shooting, defense skills, game play, team work and sportsmanship.

Please find below a link of some great games you and your family can play to reinforce these basketball skills or just to get outside and move together!

Some of my favorite games from the article include: 21, H-O-R-S-E and sharks and minnows!

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Friday, March 19, 2021

Building Our Basic Sport Skills

Good Day Friends!

Well this weekend we will officially start the new season of spring! What wonderful weather we have been having to kick it off! 

Try to get outside with your family and soak up some sunshine to absorb some vitamin D and fresh air for your lungs! Being outside in the sunshine just makes you want to smile and gives you energy!

During the month of March and into April our Division 1 students will be working on their basic manipulative skills. These skills include:
- underhand roll                            
- underhand throw                        
- overhand throw                          
- catching                                     
- kicking
- striking
- dribbling a soccer ball 
- dribbling a basketball

These basic skills are the foundation to developing the necessary skills to have the confidence and ability to try different sports, such as:
- bowling                                                  
- soccer
- target games, like horse shoes              
- striking sports: volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, baseball, golf
- football
- baseball                                 
- basketball

Today I would like to share some great family games using these manipulative skills in the link below from ACTIVE FOR LIFE! 

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Friday, March 12, 2021

March BOKS Calendar


Hello Friends!

We are now into March and spring is around the corner! The weather has been fabulous, making it easy to head outside for some fresh air and movement! Daily physical activity is so important in keeping our mind and bodies strong! 

Once again I would like to share the BOKS MARCH CALENDAR link. This month's calendar focuses on: some weekly challenges that include science, technology, engineering, art and math. Of course there are also several great activities that keep our bodies active too! Remember there are also ways to connect online with You Tube and Facebook activities to keep your family moving!


Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

Thursday, March 4, 2021

The March Fitness Challenge


Good Day Friends!

Wow Spring is around the corner and we have started out with such great weather! Get outside and enjoy the sunshine on your face and move your body! 

I would again like to challenge your family to complete the March DEAM (Drop Everything And Move) calendar from OPEN PE. There are so many easy ideas to be active in the warmth and comfort of your own home! Today I would like to encourage you and your family to continue to strive for daily physical activity! 

Check the link below for the March DEAM Calendar and get your heart pumping and muscles moving! Keep your body strong and your mind clear with these daily activity challenges! 

Stay Active! Stay Strong! Stay Positive!

Sherri Anwender

BOKS Summer Fun Pack

  Today's resource is from BOKS Canada: I have mentioned this resource several times as it has so...